World forum of International University Sports Federation has begun in Budapest


The forum, organised by the University of Physical Education and the Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF), is held in an unconventional hybrid solution – set in both real and virtual space – due to the pandemic with 1400 participants from 102 countries. For the first time in the history of FISU the first 90 minutes of this digital event’s opening day was broadcasted on Sport1 TV.

Dr. Tünde Szabó, state secretary for sport of the Ministry of Human Capacities, mentioned the essential part of FISU in the world of sports, and lamented the cancellations of many sport events however, rejoiced at the world forum not being “beaten” by the pandemic. Emphasising the outstanding importance of sport for mankind and it being the activity that shapes the young generations the most, the State Secretary for Sport expressed her hopes to advance and sustain the beneficial effects of such sporting activities and relationships by this popular forum in Budapest. In conclusion she said: “although we are facing difficult challenges in these extraordinary times, hopefully as a result we will live in a better, cleaner, more transparent but sport loving world”.

Dr. Verena Burke, chair of Education Committee and FISU Senior Executive Committee member, first spoke about how it was clearly visible that university sport was still positively influencing the image of the future, although FISU had just celebrated its 70th anniversary not long ago. The chair of Education Committee also disclosed the focus of this year’s forum to be the possibilities in local, national, and international sports together with analysing the present and planning the future. She continued with explaining that health and inclusion were also going to be essential topics in the following days as they were in the focus of both our society and FISU as well. Dr. Burke concluded her speech stating that despite the new challenges the forum had to face this year, thanks to digital accessibility the member states could share their views on what made university sport exceptional once again.

Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, in his video message spoke about the indispensability of this year’s world forum as it provided a crucial platform for essential discussions about the future amid the ongoing crisis around the globe. By analysing the impact of crisis on the athletes, the participants can achieve a deeper understanding of the importance of sport in overcoming this crisis – he continued adding that we needed more solidarity in society just like solidarity was the essence of true Olympic spirit.

The president of FISU, Oleg Matytsin indicated the need to see the importance of innovation now more than ever and how important it was to insure sustainable university sports. The introduction of “healthy campus” programme is also linked to this phenomenon – Mr. Matytsin explained while also expressing his hopes for the programme to become part of the legacy of FISU. The president of the organisation also talked about the need for more changes as we were facing more challenges, and how helpful the following days would be in understanding how to ensure sport activity in the current extraordinary circumstances.

During the opening ceremony it was also stated: “in this year’s forum the focus will not only be on virtual activity but also on sporting” – there was a huge interest for the available digital sporting opportunities on the forum’s platform.

The final speech of the opening ceremony was held by Prof. Dr. h. c. Lajos Mocsai, vice-chancellor of the University of Physical Education, and newly elected president of HUSF. The acclaimed expert in sports talked about how the digital platform allowed for 1400 people from more than 102 countries to participate in the FISU 2020 world forum. The newly elected president of HUSF spoke highly of the almost 100 years old University of Physical Education and its history and defining role in Hungarian education and Hungarian national identity while also emphasising how the health-supporting effect of sport, the concept of “physical activity medicine”, and the role of sport in education were all part of the philosophy of the institution.

The first panel discussion was about the last 70 years of FISU during which the speakers shared their own personal memories. Dr. Jenő Kamuti, president of the International Fair Play Committee, analysed the longstanding cooperation between FISU and IOC. The former president of the Hungarian Olympic Committee, Schmitt Pál talked about his own life as an example explaining how it was due to university sport that he could be both a good student and a good sportsman as well, which later provided him the opportunity for a dual career once he stopped pursuing sport professionally. Dr. Verena Burk and Eric Saintrond after reminiscing about the changes in the last 20-30 years, discussed the growth of FISU.

The second panel discussion was about the global strategy of FISU. Viktor Knoch said that bringing FISU’s global strategy into the students’ attention was an essential goal to have them become active participants of developing university sport. Szabina D’Ess, member of the FISU Student Leader Academy, emphasised the importance of volunteers and sport events. The vice president of FISU, Leonz Elder prompted tighter cooperation between universities, university sport federations and continental university sport federations with which Penninah Kabenge agreed adding that the healthy campus project of FISU could be of great help in that.

After the daily programmes, the workshops included discussions about healthy campus, the new brand of FISU, the celebration of IDUS, university rankings and questions about sport and digitalisation. The programme continues Thursday (13/08) at 1pm with workshop discussions. The 15th world forum of FISU is held at the Athens room of the University of Physical Education.

The journalists can follow the FISU world forum for free on this platform after registration. All panel discussion can be re-watched on the platform.  

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