The latest generation of mobile networking technology, 5G, opens up completely new dimensions in mobile data transmission. Hungary has the world's leading 4G and 4G + mobile networks, so we are in a good position to not only maintain our position in the field of mobile telecommunications, but also to gain a competitive advantage by taking the lead in 5G mobile developments in the next phase of the digital transformation.
The goal of the Hungarian 5G Coalition (5GC) initiated by the Digital Success Programme is for Hungary to become one of the European centres of 5G developments and to play a regional leading role in the development and testing of 5G-based applications. Our goal is for Hungary to be one of the countries where the introduction and practical application of 5G technology is the first in the world.
After 2020, 5G mobile will be able to provide wide bandwidth in all walks of life, creating the infrastructural background for high-data developments such as self-driving and interconnected vehicles, remote diagnostics and operations, smart city developments. Today, 5G technology is being standardised and tested around the world. By mid-2018, the Zalaegerszeg automotive test track, which is also unique in Europe and suitable for testing self-driving vehicles, has been completed in Hungary. This environment will be suitable for testing 5G grid-connected vehicles in the field of intelligent transport and modelling traffic situations in a live environment.
The 5G Coalition in Hungary was formed on 19 June 2017 with the participation of forty-six governmental and market participants, professional and advocacy organisations, universities, and scientific workshops.