DEDS- The Digital Export Development Strategy of Hungary

The information-technology (IT) and the information and communication technologies sector (ICT) plays a prominent role in the Hungarian national economy and foreign trade. In Hungary, the digital economy makes up 20% of the gross value added (GVA) of the national economy as a whole and provides work to nearly 15% of all employees. Regarding the weight of the digital economy within the national economy, Hungary is among the leaders in the European Union, together with Great-Britain, Ireland, and the Scandinavian countries.

The development of the export performance of the digital economy can largely contribute to the growth of the Hungarian economy, create a number of attractive jobs of high added value also for youths, boost domestic digital innovation, and improve Hungary’s international recognition through the utilisation of Hungarian know-how and innovation.

The Digital Export Development Strategy of Hungary which was adopted by the Government Decree 1491/2016 (IX. 15.), is available here.