One of the most important issues in the digital transformation is how we can use the Internet, especially how young people can use the Internet safely, consciously and in a value-creating way. In a national consultation campaign on the Internet and digital development (InternetKon), held by the Government in 2015, a clear opinion was articulated by the Hungarian people: the World Wide Web should not pose a threat to the safety of children. The overwhelming majority of respondents supported that the government would take steps to prepare children for a conscious and productive use of the Internet.
Therefore, in close consultation with professional and non-governmental organisations the Digital Child Protection Strategy of Hungary (DCPS) is issued. The strategy has therefore been drawn up primarily to ensure that children are protected from dangerous and harmful online content and methods and to prepare children, parents, and teachers for a conscious and productive use of the Internet. Whilst drafting the DCPS an important aspect has been not only the elimination of risks to our children while using the Internet, but to exploit the opportunities offered by the online world to the greatest extent possible. Therefore, the strategy designates a basic role for the development of media education and media consciousness.
A peer mentor training system is developed in the framework of DCPS, where the advantages of the use of the Internet and the related hazards are demonstrated to the most affected target groups by similar-age schoolchildren, and where appropriate provide assistance. Cost-free media educational training courses for parents were launched continuously through Digital Success Programme Points (DSP Points) available nationwide, these courses provide preparedness for risks related to the use of the Internet , and by which parents could effectively help their children for the safe usage of digital media environment.
While the strategy focuses on children, almost all groups of society are affected, therefore, in addition to identifying the system of government instruments, a mutual sharing of knowledge and teaching and cooperation between various stakeholders are also required in order to ensure that the strategy is successfully put into practice.
The Digital Child Protection Strategy of Hungary which was adopted by the Government Decree 1488/2016 (IX. 2.), is available here.