DES - Digital Education Strategy of Hungary

The school of the future is digital

One of the main objectives of the Digital Success Programme is that everybody shall become a beneficiary of digitalisation and to avoid the digital divide of the society. Within the framework of the Digital Success Programme, the Government adopted the Digital Education Strategy (DES) of Hungary in October 2016, which is currently being implemented by the assistance of the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre (DPMC).

The main goal of DES is that nobody leaves the public education and training system without adequate digital competencies. It is our conviction that the digital transformation of the educational system is the most important element of the successful preparedness for the digitalized world: this is the only way how we could prepare our children for the expectations of the labour market. The task of public education is to provide not only the benefits of digitalization to those whose family background allows it, but also for all students to have the opportunity to master the technologies of the future, not just IT, but robotics, augmented reality or 3D printing.

DES over the coming years is gradually creating the conditions of the digital education and training and makes the necessary digital competencies available to everyone. In accordance with the objectives set by DES, the school of the future is digital.

The Digital Education Strategy of Hungary, which was adopted by the Government Decree 1536/2016 (IX. 13), is available here.