Digital knowledge development

In the 21st century, digitalisation is one of the most important tools for success and prosperity. The lack of basic digital competencies is exacerbating the labour market prospects of the citizens concerned day by day, deepening social inequalities and weakening the competitiveness of the economy. Therefore, one of the most important goals of the Digital Success Programme is to give every citizen, every business a chance to move forward in their digital readiness. We do not want to protect citizens and businesses from digitalisation, we want to prepare them for it.

In order to continuously develop the digital competencies of citizens and businesses, we will develop a long-term, detailed concept of digital competency development and a detailed measurement system of digital competencies within the framework of the Digital Success Programme 2.0, building on the ongoing competency development programs.

Those who withdraw from the Internet, with its communication and motivational tools, with the involvement of national and local NGOs, with the coordination and methodological support of the Digital Success Coordination Centre, try to draw your attention to the importance of digital competencies.

For those who are kept away from the digital world by a lack of digital competencies, Digital Success Programme Mentors working in the Digital Success Programme Network will provide access to the digital world and the free acquisition of basic digital competencies.

For those who already have basic digital competencies, with the help of the so-called IKER and DigKomp frameworks, their digital competencies can be measured and developed.