Our chances and challenges in the world of digital transformation


NETWORKSHOP, a three-day-long online conference starting on 2 September is expecting those interested with 104 presentations and six thematic sections.

This conference, the 29th in line, has great significance for those concerned with the digitalisation of research, higher education, public education, and public institutions in Hungary as well as people from the IT sector. The conference is brought to life by the cooperation of the Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (Ministry for Innovations and Technology), Digitális Jólét Program (Digital Success Programme) and the HUNGARNET Egyesület (HUNGARNET Association).

Discourses will give a comprehensive overview of the development results of digital infrastructure, mainly data networks and applications based on them, while also providing a glimpse into the newest results of the Hungarian IT industry. The event, by unfolding digital transformation, renews the traditional structure of the conference, and by presenting the new components of the rapidly developing digitalisation, tries to achieve the wider popularisation of the newest developing tendencies, thus getting the participants to know the components of the ever more significant e-infrastructure according to international trends (cloud, super-computing, storage infrastructures etc.) as well. This year the section-presentations will tie into the utilisation of the results of network research into other branches.

Several experts of the Digital Success Programme will present different departmental results of digitalisation, visions of the future and the running projects of the programme from developing digital competencies to 5G infrastructure.

Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft.