Digital Success Loan Program

Information on the temporary suspension of the Loan Program

We would like to inform the Dear Interested Parties that Government Decree 1006/2016 on the establishment of the annual development framework of the Operational Program for Economic Development and Innovation (EDI). (I.18.) amended the Government Decree No. 1301/2020. (VI.11.), resulting that the amount of the Loan Program decreased to HUF 760 million. Due to the reallocation of the envelope, in view of the exhaustion of the available envelope, the Loan Program will be temporarily suspended from 19 June 2020, from which date the pre-qualification procedures will also be suspended. It is possible to register and submit a prequalification form, but based on these, prequalification will not start during the suspension.

We would like to draw your attention to the subsidized, discounted other loan products of our partner, the Hungarian Development Bank, in connection with which we are happy to provide information.

The information on the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Program on the temporary suspension of the Loan Program can be viewed at the following link:

Go to the brochure

From September 2018, the Digital Success Loan Program will support the digital product and service development projects of Hungarian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and startups with a preferential (0% interest rate) loan from the EU amounting to a minimum of HUF 5 million and a maximum of HUF 200 million. From September 2018, companies operating in the convergence region (ie outside the Central Hungarian region) can apply for a soft loan at MFB Points.

The objective of the Digital Success Program (DSP) is to make all citizens and businesses in Hungary one of the winners of digitalisation. Supporting innovative digital developments that strengthen the competitiveness of businesses is of paramount importance because it contributes to

  • to increase the export capacity of a given company;
  • to develop employees' digital competencies;
  • to increase the level of technological development of the sector concerned;
  • also to strengthen competitiveness at the level of the national economy.

Available as part of the Digital Success Finance Programme (DSFP), the Digital Success Loan Programme, which will be available from September, aims to provide concessional financing to innovative businesses seeking digital development that aligns their competitiveness with the Digital Success Programme (DSP) strategic objectives.

Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd. monitors the compliance of the projects planned to be financed from the loan with the objectives of DSP within the framework of a pre-qualification, with the involvement of sectoral digitalisation experts, considering the aspects of innovative content, feasibility and financing. Digital Success Nonprofit Ltd. issues a certificate on DSP matching, the existence of which is a condition for using the loan.


Supported projects must be in line with the strategic objectives of the DSP, for example (but not limited to) one of the following areas:

  • education (EdTech),
  • public services (GovTech),
  • health and welfare services (MedTech, SportTech, etc.),
  • different sectors of the digital economy (FinTech, PropTech, etc.)
  • information security (Cyber security),
  • digital infrastructure, 5G developments and related innovations,
  • other digital innovations


The scheme supports projects aimed at the development of digital products and services, but with a high degree of flexibility according to market needs - within certain limits - for example:

  • acquisition of tangible assets,
  • acquisition of intangible assets,
  • costs and fees related to service activities,
  • legal, notarial, patent costs,
  • the cost of participating in a domestic exhibition or fair,
  • purchase of foreign market expansion services,
  • personnel expenses of the staff involved in the professional implementation of the project,
  • travel expenses, mission expenses,
  • overheads and office rent (overheads).

Under the Digital Success Loan Programme, digital product, and service development projects of up to hundreds of Hungarian companies can receive repayable financial support, helping the affected companies to successfully integrate into the digital ecosystem.

More information about the loan program is available at and at

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