Digital entertainment centre opened in the capital


Budapest was also enriched with a digital entertainment centre. From now on those interested can explore and try the newest infocommunication and digital devices for free at the Hidegkuti Nándor Stadion (Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium).

At the opening ceremony of the EDU&FUN Digitális Élményközpont (EDU&FUN Digital Entertainment Centre) Tamás Schanda, state secretary of parliament and strategy of the Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (ITM), (Ministry for Innovations and Technology), said that students, and families on weekends could playfully experience robot technology, 3D printing and smart technologies among many other things at this new digital centre.

It is of great importance for the government to have Hungarian young people be the winners of the future, “and our future will be mainly affected by technologic developments and digitalisation” – emphasised in his speech Tamás Schanda highlighting that the entertainment complex would effectively enhance digital knowledge. The centre was built from 430 million HUF.

The deputy minister of ITM also brought it to attention that it was a common goal to incite more people to choose technological, informatic professions in Hungary, which the newly opened digital centre would greatly help in the future. The organised programmes of the centre will significantly expand the digital and technological knowledge of students and this could highly affect their career decision – indicated the state secretary.

Tamás Schanda said that it was a national strategic objective to strengthen those areas, which would determine the future. Developing digital skills, making people aware of innovative technologies all contribute to Hungary becoming a competitive country on international level as well – he added.

Károly Balázs Solymár, deputy state secretary for digitalisation, said at the opening ceremony that the biggest success of the Programozd a jövőd (Code your future) project, started in 2016, had been the digital entertainment centres. More than 16 thousand children have taken part in these programmes in Győr, a thousand has been to the centre in Debrecen, and the next centre will open in Zalaegerszeg – he revealed.

Károly Balázs Solymár also spoke about the purpose of these entertainment centres, which was to encourage more people to pick informatics as their area of higher education. Students have the possibility to learn about coding or 3D printing with the help of trained teachers in the form of games. They can also play with robots and try to programme them – he added.

Ildikó Buranits, vice-president of MTK stated that MTK was aspiring to be the first in community-building, innovating, and gaining and sharing knowledge, which is why it was a huge honour for them that their stadium could serve as a home for an entertainment centre after Székesfehérvár, Győr, and Debrecen.

Digitalisation has become the most important tool of success and growth in our days that is why acquiring digital competencies is essential, indispensable for the coming generations – she declared.


Géza Tisza, professional leader of EDU&FUN Digital Entertainment Centre Budapest, also spoke about floor-robots, industrial robots and humanoid robots with learning capabilities that were all available for those interested to see, while they could also discover how 3D planning, scanning, and printing worked. The smarthome corner of the centre presents virtual technologies using animation-making tables and extended reality devices.

All activities are free of charge at the centre, but pre-registration is needed. For more information and to apply, you may contact this email address:, or this phone number: +36 70 440 4400.

Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft.

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