Mobile Internet Network Development

The aim of the government is to make the internet cheaper, faster, more accessible and better quality in Hungary than ever before. In the Digital Success Programme (DSP), the starting point for developments is the construction of a high-quality digital infrastructure, which is an essential condition for the development of the digital competences of the digital economy, citizens and businesses, and the spread of public digital services.

The government issued government decree 484/2017. (XII. 28.) on the high-speed mobile communications (4G, 4G +, 5G) network development investments of Hungarian telecommunications service providers to be a matter of special importance from the point of view of the national economy. The government's decision represents a serious regulatory advantage for the developments, with which Hungary can strengthen its favourable position in the field of mobile internet infrastructure development so far.

In the last two years, Hungary has become one of the most developed countries in the European Union in terms of the quality of its fixed internet network, while we are among the top five countries in the world in terms of the development of our mobile data transmission network.

The government decree declares the investments of the 4G, 4G + and 5G broadband mobile network infrastructure of the service providers to be investments of high economic importance in order to work even faster and more efficiently. The 4G mobile network, which will be built through the investments, will also form the infrastructural basis for the developments of the near fifth generation (5G) mobile network.