
On June 11, 2019, the Hungarian Government adopted the Government Decree “On the Development and Implementation Steps of the Digital Competence Framework” submitted by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, prepared by the Digital Pedagogical Methodology Centre (DPMC) within the Digital Success Programme.

Pursuant to the government decision, the domestic digital competence framework based on the current citizen's digital competence framework (DigComp 2.1.) of the European Union must be established. The Hungarian system, called DigKomp, will operate not only as a reference framework, but as a unified system that enables the definition, development, measurement and evaluation of digital competence, as well as the verification of its existence and state recognition.

Digital competence is one of the key competences for lifelong learning and for thriving in the information society, a key element of citizenship and employability. It means having the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to use new technologies to help you perform tasks, solve problems, communicate effectively, manage information, collaborate, and share content efficiently, appropriately, securely, and ethically. The citizen of the 21st century needs to become digitally competent, as the ability to apply technology intelligently has become a prerequisite for competitiveness, innovation and growth. At present, every second job in developed economies requires some degree of digital literacy, with the share of these jobs projected to rise above 75 percent by 2020. An adequate level of digital literacy is now a prerequisite for prosperity in all areas of life and is not indispensable for any citizen.

With the development of DigKomp, it will be possible to uniformly interpret and assign digital competencies acquired in the education and training system, adult education, and independent learning to predefined competence levels.

DigKomp thus provides a common basis for diversified training and learning support developments, and facilitates the definition of uniform quality standards for training and learning activities aimed at the development of digital competence.

Of course, employees need different competencies in different sectors, so - using DigKomp as a framework as a reference point - sectoral competency frameworks should also be developed, which will be done with the involvement of the SectoralSectoralSectoral Skills Councils.

The process launched by ITM is an important step in the introduction of DigKomp, which will help the Government's goal of making Hungary one of the 10 most developed countries in the EU in terms of citizens' digital competence by 2030.