Health aspects of 5G

Communication between mobile phones requires radio frequency radiation. Exposure to radiation from both base stations and mobile devices is subject to international and domestic regulations.

Stringent allowable limits complying with EU standards apply in Hungary. The threshold set by international bodies is significantly lower than radiation level where health damage is done.

In order to protect people, compliance with regulations and limit values is monitored by the state - the National Media and Infocommunications Authority and the National Public Health Center - through regular measurements.

Electromagnetic radiation has been measured in the vicinity of childcare institutions, condominiums, public roads and mobile phone masts in Hungary for 25 years, i.e. since the introduction of mobile phones. No overstepping the threshold levels has been identified anywhere during the annual average of four hundred measurements. Nor has one instance been identified in the case of the mobile phone masts commissioned in Budapest, Zalaegerszeg and Győr either.

The physiological effects of electromagnetic radiation used for 5G or 4G or for other purposes (WiFi) are basically the same.

In Hungary, the radiation of antennas is orders of magnitude lower than the allowable limit. Measured values vary between 0.001 W/m² and 0.002 W/m² compared with the 10 W/m² threshold of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields.

Radiation from the vast majority of the mobile phones in Europe, including Hungary is only 0.7-0.9 W/kg, well below the 2 W/kg allowable limit.